Hastings 1     Horsham 1

Date of Match Division / Competition ?
Home Team Away Team
Hastings 1 Horsham 1
Grade Player Player Grade
1 192 Rayner, Francis  1/2  1/2 Lock, Gavin R 199
2 190 Sugden, John N 1 0 Mansson, James C 191
3 182 Tebbs, Howard L 1 0 Higgs, Anthony RJ 183
4 181 Cafferty, Bernard  1/2  1/2 Roberts, David N 170
5 170 Cove, Henry 1 0 Taylor, Paul 167
4 1

Henry’s opponent blundered a piece on g3 as his pawn on f2 was pinned by a Bishop.Bernard was sharp and countered all threats. Francis did well against the theoretically prepared Gavin in a Trompowsky 4….c5 var. John’s game was the pick with a known exchange sac from Fisher in a sharp Lopez var. Howard ground Higgs down but has not yet resignedr . Great start by the team for this season.
