Chairman’s report

Chairman’s report

You will appreciate that the last two years have been some of the most difficult years in the club’s history not even two world wars or German bombing of the club’s was able to close the club in its long history however this came to an end because of covid 19 and government restrictions forcing the club to close for nearly 18 months

Being unable to call an AGM last year led to us being in breach of company law because of government regulations also having tried to call a committee meeting during Covid I was   unable to get a corium to hold the committee meeting so for the last 12 months I ruled by executive power in consultation with senior officers this of course is completely undesirable

A further problem was the ceiling in the upstairs room came down resulting in having to spend sums of money that would normally have to be authorized by the committee which was not possible so  senior officers decided spend the money they also decided to do work on the back of the club this had been needed doing since I became chairman  as a net result of this spending  approximately 16,000 pounds  all done on chairman’s authority in consultation with senior officers clearly spending this amount of money without full committee approval was a breach of the constitution however as other senior officers agreed we  must have this work done and with the club being closed   it seemed an  ideal time to do the work so I approved the expenditure on my own authority

During the closed period we received approximately 18,000 pounds in government grants which is why we were able to make the above improvements had it not been for this the expenditure would have been out of the question

Clearly as the club is been closed for the last 18 months there is little to report so looking to the future it is our intention to get the winter’s tournaments up and running by the end of September and hopefully, we will be returning to a Full year’s chess

Due to a £700-donation by Gary Willson and myself we been able to purchase a load of new chess sets for which I thank Gary

Also, I have personally donated a new computer and printer and security cameras yet to be installed for the club

, During the year, we have received chess books as donations from  Roy Richardson the ECF and about 100 books from a non-member

We had a further donation from Stewart Reuben of various chess memorabilia mannequins chess clocks and books for which I thank him

During the year we lost five members Bill Penfold William Stock Ken Lucas Roy Richardson and lastly former member Richard St George Upton a former two-time club champion I have already written about these members in my notification of their passing

I Would also like to welcome five new members Raffi Alexians Andrew McGettigan Ted and Bill Filby and last a long rest Terry Honey

After seven years in the post is chairman, this is my second stint a total of 12 years, I have served in post it is not my intention to seek re-election this year

I would like to thank all members for their support over these 12 years and wish my successor the best of luck

May you all have very enjoyable Chess year

Marc a Bryant
