AGM Sunday 09 September 2018
starting 2.30 pm
Nominations in by 12 August
Written Reports in by 8 August
In accordance with Clause 4.2.3 of the Club Constitution please take notice that the Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Club (at Pelton House, 2 Cornwallis Terrace, Hastings) on Sunday 09 September 2018 starting at 2:30 p.m.
The A.G.M. will be followed by the customary President’s versus Chairman’s match for the Reg Cload Trophy.
Proposals to be considered by the Annual General Meeting are hereby invited. By convention such proposals should also be seconded. Proposals should reach the Chairman (at the Club) no later than 12 August 2018. Note that proposals to be made by the Committee may be made after that deadline. (Club Constitution 4.2.4) Proposals may be delivered to the Chairman by other means but at the sender’s risk. e-mail for AGM proposals (and nominations):; it is suggested that senders seek to confirm receipt.
A sheet inviting nominations hasl bein posted at the Club . By convention such nominations should be proposed and also be seconded. If you intend to nominate someone please check that they are willing to accept nomination. Nominations may also be made direct to the Chairman, and when time allows he will transfer them to the sheet at the Club.
All reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out Club duties are reimbursed.
Members wishing to talk informally about the above matters, or about any post at all, should feel free to speak with Chairman or Treasurer as appropriate.
Finally, I suggest that, if you feel that an incumbent is doing an acceptable job, and you do not want the job yourself, and you have no one better to propose, then you consider nominating them – it can be disheartening to incumbents if members feel unable to show even that level of tacit approval.
Nominations made no later than 12 August 2018, or by the Committee at its expected meeting before the AGM, will appear on the Agenda when it is circulated. Nominations made later, including those made at the Meeting itself, will be perfectly valid but will not be listed on the Agenda.
The Agenda and all other papers for the Annual General Meeting will be circulated by Sunday 26 August 2018.
Marc Bryant,