This year has been again been a busy year for me within the club
As each year goes by, we lose some old faces and gain some new ones this year was no exception
It is My sad duty to report to the agm the deaths of two former members John Gorton and Alfred Mikurenda
Alfred died in May he was a man it did not suffer fools gladly and had a no-nonsense approach to life this may have been due to a hard child hood during the war . However, on the few occasions when he did open up Alfred was an extremely interesting and complicated man
I did not know John Gorton personally John was a regular team player for the GLC and was a member of the club in the eighties
I would like to express my condolences and those of the chess club to the family Alfred and John
In addition to my role as chairman I am also housekeeper and in the past year have endeavoured to get the club up to a high standard this involved cleaning and repainting the chess set also done a lot more picture hanging and generally trying club good state of repair
In club matches I am sure the match captain will give their own reports however a special mention to our first team to Mid-Sussex in retaining the title also the 4 team for gaining promotion thank you to all the captains and drivers this year
We also had a twinning match this year against Bethune nine players went to France all reporting having a lovely time many thanks to Jim Wheeler John Sugden and Martin Fletcher for doing the transport
Club tournaments am sure the tournament controller will give her a report on these however a special mention about William Cobb who won the rush cup at his first attempt
I’d also like to thank Rasa for fulfilling this role
Paul Buswell did a couple of his famous one-day rapid play at the club this was greatly enjoyed by everyone who played and I would like to thank Paul for his efforts
Alan Barton did a series of talks in June and July on the beauty of the game and was greatly enjoyed by those who attended I would like to thank Alan behalf of the club and myself on eight evenings which was very enjoyable
The premises officer Adrian Cload had a reasonably quiet year we did need to replaced the water heater in the kitchen and I thank Adrian for his efforts
Club finances seemed to be healthy a small profit this year however we should not be complacent and it only take one major bill to take away that profit
I would further point out that this is the fifth consecutive year we have not put up subs
, we need to keep a watchful eye on our finances and should be looking to try to make a good surplus each year rather than rely on reserves many thanks to James Wheeler
Ken Lucas acted as secretary of the first part of the year but found it necessary to resign consequently we were without a Secretary for about four months this year Gary Willson has now stepped into this role I thank them both
The library MR John Knott donated 50 books for which the club was extremely grateful Bernard Cafferty the librarian seems to be having a lovely time looking after the library with all these new books for which I thank him
The Hastings International Congress has continued to survive on a shoe string budget For many years and with the withdrawal of tradewise the future looked uncertain putting includes considerable strain on Congress official this reached a head at the begin of July with the resignation of chairman Congress director the Congress Secretary the Congress treasurer and Maureen Charlesworth at this point the future of the Congress seemed in real doubt the chess club felt it necessary to put proposal to the Congress Committee in a nutshell we’re offer fill these posts and that the club basically take over the reins of Congress after a of the a lot of discussion this was accepted with myself taking over the chairmanship Gary Willson as Secretary Jim Wheeler was treasurer Mason Woodhams as IT media and Adrian Cload has the club rep
you’re unlikely to see much change this year as there was very little time other than get the entry form out lastly I am happy to report that the Congress does have a new sponsor in Caplin the borough council continue give there generous sponsorship I would like to thank all the above for stepping in and saving the Congress some of us reluctantly
I would like to thank all members of the committee who have served this year
I would like to take opportunity to wish all the club members a good chess 2019 2020 and remind you all the Subs are now due and on that happy note I conclude this report
Marc Bryant