Please note the AGM will be as per the subject line. The address is St Mary’s Supporters Club, Christie Road, Lewes, Sussex BN7 1PL.
The Committee accept proposals for rule changes; please email these to me by Wednesday 5 June at the latest. However, unlike previous years, the Committee will not be engaging in pre-publication discussion with clubs in an attempt to bring greater coherence to proposals. Proposals submitted for inclusion should be substantially ‘ready to go’ and while every last dot and comma that would require change need not be specified, full account of the implications of adopting the proposal should be clear. Please also provide a succinct rationale which can be published with the proposal. The Committee reserve the right to decline to place significantly ill-conceived and incoherent proposals on the agenda or alternatively ask the meeting to reject such proposals in their entirety. Further, at the AGM the Committee intend to adopt a more robust line on rule change amendments: only minor modifications (where the implication of the same is clear, unambiguous, and limited) will be accepted for debate and vote, and strictly where the original proposal has demonstrably failed to take into account the consequence identified.
You may wish to be aware that the Committee have already published its intended proposal to reform current Rule 7 regarding match timings. The proposal may be read on the Forum of the League website. Please read the proposal and contribute to discussion, either on the Forum, and or at the AGM.
The agenda will be circulated at least 14 days before the AGM and will include any rule change proposals accepted for inclusion.
Matthew Britnell
Mid-Sussex Chess League